WDRQ Electric Heater

WDRQ Electric heater is used in the concentrical oil lubrication system, to heat the dirty oil decrease its viscidity before input to the clean device. The flash point of oil to be heated no less than 120℃.

Appearance and dimensions:

type power kW nominal flow rate L/min nominal pressure MPa 3
WDRQ-28 28 25 0.25 ≥35
max.temp permit ℃ type ofheater volt v weight kg
90 WGYY2-220/4 220 90

Note:Connecting size of back port flange is according < steeliness flange by flat weld of convexity panel >(PN=1MPa)
JB/T 81-1994.
Emample of order:An electric heater its power is 28KW:
                                     WDRQ-28 heater JB/ZQ 4599-19971

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