WXHZ Oil Lubrication Device

WXHZ Oil lubrication devjice is composted by oil unit,instrument board and electrical controller, is a heart of circulatory lubrication system, to force the oil press to the machine friction parts, makes a oil film, to reduce the friction, lower the damage, flush the parts and carry out the heat from friction parts ,to ensure the machine operating ordinary ,prolong the life. This oil device is compact in structure, seizes small area ,convenience in use ,can consist an independent stand-alone circulatory system, to eleate the auto control ability of full lubrication system. This oil device is compact in structur, seizes small area, convenience in use, can consist an independent stand-alone circulatory system, to elevate the outo control ability of full lubrication system. This device is mounted usually nearby the oil storeroom underground or pits inside. It is applicable to the circularly lubricate system of metallurgy, mine, casting & forging, power, chemistry and light introduce,to oil the friction parts of reducer, gear box and bearings of main machine.

电机 过滤
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
WXHZ-63 6.3 0.25 0.75 6 0.05 1.3 25 0.6 3 - - 15 40 320
WXHZ-10 10
WXHZ-16 16 0.5 1.1 6 0.13 3 25 1.5 6 - - 25 50 980
WXHZ-25 25
WXHZ-40 40 1.25 2.2 6 0.20 6 32 2.0 12 - - 32 65 1520
WXHZ-63 63
WXHZ-100 100 2.5 5.5 6 0.40 11 32 25 18 - - 40 80 2850
WXHZ-125 125
WXHZ-160A 160 5 7.5 4.6 0.52 20 65 20 - 25 40 65 125 4570
WXHZ-160 3950
WXHZ-200A 200 4570
WXHZ-200 3950
WXHZ-250A 250 10 11 4.6 0.83 35 100 30 - 25 65 80 150 5660
WXHZ-250 5660
WXHZ-315A 315 6660
WXHZ-315 5660
WXHZ-400A 400 16 15 4.6 0.31 50 100 45 - 32 90 100 200 8350
WXHZ-400 7290
WXHZ-500A 500 8350
WXHZ-500 7290

Note:1.This series still contain; WXHZ630、630AI、800、800AI、800A、1000、……2000A etc.
             2.Lubricant oil viscosity among 20-320cSt.
             3.Filter precision of lower viscosity oil is 0.08mm; high viscosity oil is 0.12mm.
             4.Cooling water temperature ≤30℃,pressure ≤0.4MPa; when the temperature of oil entered cooler is 50℃ and oil                                 temperature drops ≥8℃; the steam pressure heated is 0.2~0.4MPa.
             5. WXHZ-160~500 are mounted on a common base all the components except oil tank; WXHZ-160A~500A are         mounted on earth directly all the components. This device prepare with an electrical ecotroller and an instrument board.

Example of order:
         (a)   A oil lubrication deice its nominal pressure 500L/min,all components except oil            tankerare mounted on a common base;WXHZ500 Oil lubrication device JB/ZQ 4586-1997
          (b)  A oil lubrication deice its nominal pressure 500L/min, all components are mounted on earth; 

                WXHZ500 Oil lubrication device JB/ZQ 4586-1997

type A A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 B B1 B2 B3 B4 B5
WXHZ-6.3 1100 1600 410 70 70 350 700 980 110 235 190 90
WXHZ-16 1400 1935 400 80 0 420 850 1250 140 200 0 112
WXHZ-40 1800 2400 380 100 35 490 1200 1610 150 300 200 130
WXHZ-100 2400 2980 350 100 100 680 1400 1800 150 450 200 130
type B6 B7 B8 H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8
WXHZ-6.3 150 80 430 590 1240 715 490 230 270 220 290 510
WXHZ-16 125 200 495 650 1300 800 550 250 280 290 360 683
WXHZ-40 160 200 60 890 1540 1060 780 280 400 395 380 775
WXHZ-100 100 70 495 1040 1690 1330 920 380 400 370 610 980

Note:Connecting size of back port flange is according < steeliness flange by flat weld of convexity panel >(PN=1MPa)
JB/T 81-1994, oil lubrication deices show aboe are have not anchor bolt hole. 

WXHZ-160A~500A oil level indicator; 2-high,low level controller; 3、4、12-electrical thermometer; 5-heater; 6-tanker; 7-backflow; 8-electrical connecter; 9-breather cover; 10-safety valve; 11、13-pressure gage; 14-pressure relay ; 5-block valve; 16-thermometer switch; 17- 2/2 electromagnet valve; 18-thermometer; 19-cooler ; 20-twin barrel filter ; 21-check valve ; 22-motor; 23-gear pump with safety valve ; 24-differential pressure switch ; 25-filter switch.

type A B B1 C E F G H H3 H3 H5 H6
WXHZ-160,-200 3840 1700 3870 2250 1150 1900 1300 1440 1950,1860 1688 1400 1250
WXHZ-250,-315 5200 1800 4463 3575 1875 2325 1500 1350 2200,2200 1960 1650 1220
WXHZ-400,-500 6100 2000 4665 2800 2250 2770 1600 1600 2900,2900 2340 2000 1400
type H7 H8 H9 H10 H11 H12 J K L N N1 P DN
WXHZ-160,-200 622 818 400 422 390 140 4200 700 4900 1150 600 500 125
WXHZ-250,-315 510 838 440 375 410 160 4500 760 5750 1400 650 500 150
WXHZ-400,-500 737 858 480 502 430 180 5000 1200 6640 1325 750 500 200

Note:Connecting size of back port flange is according < steeliness flange by flat weld of convexity panel >(PN=1MPa)
JB/T 81-1994, oil lubrication deices show aboe are have not anchor bolt hole.

type A B B1 C E E1 F G H H3 H4
WXHZ-160A,-200A 4300,3800 1500,1700 3640 2000 850 1900 70 200 1300 1500 1260
WXHZ-250A,-315A 5200 1800 4075 2350 870 2335 700 222 1350 1900 1540
WXHZ-400A,-500A 6100 2000 4510 2620 1230 , , , , , , , , , 2770 580 221 1600 2185 1800
type H5 H6 H7 H8 H9 H10 H11 J J1 K L N N1
WXHZ-160A,-200A 1100 1250 800 678 560 250 360 400 300 240 5128 502 600
WXHZ-250A,-315A 1350 1220 940 678 511 250 276 440 390 270 5730 550 650
WXHZ-400A,-500A 1320 1400 1000 678 511 250 276 490 440 322 7000 610 750
type N2 N3 N4 N5 P S S1 S2 T T1 T2 T3 DN
WXHZ-160A,-200A 1160 1140 910 300 260 40 160 98 800 700 1700 600 125
WXHZ-250A,-315A 1200 1400 982 358 280 51 32 80 1080 1000 1960 870 150
WXHZ-400A,-500A 1310 1470 971 391 300 27 220 80 1140 1130 2645 800 200
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